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Dział Projektów informuje o naborze do konkursu „Enhanced quantification and understanding of natural and anthropogenic methane emissions and sinks”

Szkolenie dla: 
Od 12.09.2023 do 05.03.2024

Szanowni Państwo,

Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy w ramach Klastra 5 „Klimat, energia i mobilność” programu Horyzont Europa zaprasza do wzięcia udziału w naborze do konkursu pt. „Enhanced quantification and understanding of natural and anthropogenic methane emissions and sinks”.

Głównym założeniem projektu jest: „The challenge of this topic is to further quantify and understand natural and anthropogenic methane emissions based on carefully selected European land sites and European sea sites with unprecedented resolution in space and time that should leverage the latest advances in observations from satellite, ground-based, and airborne, together with advances in reconciling inverse and bottom-up modelling approaches.”.

TERMIN SKŁADANIA WNIOSKÓW: 05.03.2024 r. do godziny 17:00 czasu brukselskiego.

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