Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility PROJECT FOR THE DOCTORAL SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCE IN POZNAŃ | Dział Projektów


Zintegrowany Program Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu na rzecz Innowacyjnej Wielkopolski

Integrated Program of the Poznań University of Life Sciences for Innovative Wielkopolska Voivodeship


Numer / Number: POWR.03.05.00-00-ZR42/18

Okres realizacji projektu / The duration of the project: from 01.10.2019 to 30.09.2023

Zadanie / Taks: Zadanie 6 - Realizacja wysokiej jakości studiów doktoranckich w ramach szkoły doktorskiej / Task 6: Implementation of high quality doctoral studies within the Doctoral School



PL Ścieżka wsparcia = ENG Support Path

PL Rekrutacja = ENG Recruitment

PL Harmonogram wsparcia = ENG Schedule

PL Dokumenty = ENG Documents

Ścieżka wsparcia


The Project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund. The grant provider is the National Center for Research and Development. All planned tasks In the Project must be implemented for region al development, associated with Regional Intelligent Specializations (RIS) for the Wielkopolska voivodeship (key industries).

Project duration: Implementation of support in the period from 11.2020 to 09.2023.

Participation: Participation in the project is voluntary.

Condition of participation: The doctoral dissertation must fit in with The Regional Intelligent Specializations for Wielkopolska voivodeship. 



1. Participation in an individual tutorial

  • 1 tutorial for academic year, 
  • Tutorial is an individual meeting between PhD student and tutor (form PULS), topic of a meeting: methodological/scientific consultations on the tutor's specialization,
  • Duration of the tutorial around 3 – 5 hours (1 hour = 45 minutes),

TOTAL: 3 tutorial in the project

2. Participation in the meetings with a scientific mentor

  • 1 mentor for PhD student,
  • Mentor support (from an external institution) incl. collegial support groups,
  • Duration of the meetings around 20 hours (1 hour = 45 minutes),
  • Place of meetings: Mentor Company.

TOTAL: 1 mentor for a PhD student in the project

3. Participation in the course of research methods

  • 1 course for academic year for PhD student (two topics to choose from)
  • Duration of the course around 8 - 20 hours (duration depends of the topic, 1 hour = 45 minutes).

TOTAL: 3 courses for a PhD student in the project


The most important responsibility: PhD dissertation defence – till the end of September 2023 



1. Additional incentive scholarship

  • Additional scholarship for each PhD student in the project,
  • The amount of PLN 1925 x 23 months = PLN 44 275,
  • The amount of the scholarship depends on the number of people admitted to the project,
  • The scholarship is awarded on the basis of individual study / research programs (documents planning and reporting the activities of the PhD student).

TOTAL AMOUNT: PLN 44 275 for student in the project

2. Scholarship for foreign monthly scientific internships - obligatory

  • recommended internship direction Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom (other from the EU in justified cases),
  • scholarship amount: between PLN 4700 and PLN 5800 depending on the country,
  • Duration of internship 120 – 160 h (28 days).
  • national research internships with international elements - we are waiting for the approval of the Intermediate Body

Total AMOUNT: 1 internship for the PhD student

3. Research Fund

  • The Scientific council decides about its admission,
  • Additional funds for conducting scientific research about PLN 5000 for  (co-financing for conducted research up to the amount of actual costs incurred).



PULS Project department:

Anna Łączniak - Project manager

Maria Rajczak - Task coordinator

 +48 61 846 6569 


PULS Doctoral School:

Joanna Cybulska

 +48 61 848 6195


The link to the online recruitment will be sent to you to your e-mail address on November 15, 2021 at.10.00 a.m. Recruitment lasts until November 16, 2021 to 4:00 p.m.


Scoring of the candidate and conditions for admission to the project

  1. The candidate’s scoring is carried out by the Recruitment Committee for the Project and the Director of the doctoral school, or a person authorized by him in cooperation with the Project Office
  2. The candidate to participate in the project submits the following documents:
    1. declaration of being a third-year doctoral student at the Doctoral School of the Poznan University of Life Sciences
    2. annexes No. 1-5 to these Regulations,
    3. annex No. 6 - Outline of the subject of the doctoral dissertation with a statement that the subject of the work and the direction of research will be in line with the Regional Smart Specializations for Wielkopolska, certified by the supervisor's signature,
    4. The committee may disqualify a candidate without scoring if:
      1. the subject of the doctoral dissertation does not fit into the Regional Smart Specializations for Wielkopolska, there are significant doubts as to the veracity of the documents submitted by the candidate, or
      2. there are significant health contraindications to the project implementation, or
      3. the candidate's education does not coincide with the discipline in the doctoral school, or
      4. the candidate has not met the minimum condition with regard to average in education or knowledge of English, or
      5. the documents submitted by the candidate clearly show that it is impossible to carry out the intended research or to undergo scientific supervision.
  3. The following criteria determine the selection of candidates for projects:
    1. ELIGIBLE:
      1. the status of a participant in the third year of doctoral school during recruitment,
      2. the declaration of availability in the fully modified doctoral school program,
      3. an outline of the subject of the doctoral thesis with a statement that the subject of the work and the direction of research will be in line with the Regional Smart Specializations for Wielkopolska, certified by the supervisor's signature,
      4. the documented knowledge of English at B2 level or passing an exam confirming the knowledge of English on the above-mentioned level.
    2. SCORING:
      1. the grade for the interview up to 30 points,
      2. the evaluation of the candidate's documented achievements up to 20 points,
  4. Assessment of the candidate's documented achievements includes the average of the grades obtained during education at the doctoral school (up to 10 points), and the candidate's scientific activity expressed, inter alia, by participation in international exchange programs, internships / scientific internships (up to 10 points).
    1. the average is calculated on the basis of the final grades in the subjects taught at the doctoral school. The number of points for the average of grades obtained during education is calculated on the basis of the formula: Number of points = (grade average - 3.5) × 20/3, where the number of points is rounded to the nearest value with two decimal places. In the case of the general academic profile, the candidate's scientific activity is assessed on the basis of participation in the work of the scientific movement, authorship of publications and scientific reports, courses, internships and internships.
    2. in the case of the practical profile, also participation in research and development projects and achievements in popularizing progress in trade journals are assessed.
  5. The interview is conducted by the Recruitment Committee.
    1. the interview covers the issues of the represented scientific discipline as well as issues related to the area and plan for the implementation of the candidate's future research work.
    2. in the case of the practical profile, the candidate defines the problem and justifies the need to solve it through research work.
  6. The English language skills are assessed by the Recruitment Committee or a teacher appointed by the Committee. The candidate takes an English language proficiency exam or presents an English language certificate.
  7. The English language proficiency certificate must be international, obtained after completing the course with an exam, and must not be older than 2 years. The certificate must use the Council of Europe scale and document the candidate's level of at least B2.
  8. A candidate may be admitted to the project if he/she has jointly met the following conditions:
    1. has met all the eligibility criteria,
    2. has obtained a positive assessment by the recruitment committee during the interview,
    3. is on the list of people qualified to participate in the project.
  9. The number of places in the project is limited. Persons who will not be accepted due to a lack of places will be put on the reserve list and will be invited to participate in the project in the event of vacancies or savings. Priority in admission to the project is given to candidates with higher scores.

Harmonogram wsparcia


Documents for participation in the project: